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락아일랜드 투어 A
South Rockisland Tour- A course
밀키웨이 + 스노클링 투어
Milkyway + Snorkel Tour

밀키웨이 포함 스노클링 투어
점심도시락 제공
픽업/드랍 포함
스노클 장비 포함
소요시간 : 오전9~ 오후4
* 스노클링포인트는 당일 기상 조건등을 고려하여 결정
환경세 $50
Visit the majestic Rock Islands in one day where you have chances to try the beauty mud pack of Milky Way, Snorkeling , and having lunch at a while sandy beach.
Snorkeling Gear
Hotel Transfortation
Taken time : Around 6hours ~
What to bring for a snorkeling tour
Swimsuit, rash guard, water leggings, aqua shoes, slippers (crocs), sunscreen, waterproof camera, hat, sunglasses, windproof jacket, beach towel, waterproof pack, some snacks such as chocolate, Cup noodles, personal equipment (flippers & goggles, etc. / rental fee)
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